Virginia Division of Capitol Police
The Duty to Protect, an Honor to Serve.
Whether you are a prospective Capitol Police employee, government official, state employee or visitor, we hope you will find this website useful and informative.
The Division of Capitol Police takes pride in the fact that we are the oldest police agency in the United States, dating to 1618 at Jamestown, Va., where we served as the Public Guard, a military unit of 10 men, to protect Gov. George Yeardley. Our legislative authority as Capitol police officers was granted in 1890.
Today, our division is proudly comprised of men and women who serve not only as police officers, but as ambassadors to the seat of Virginia's government.
COVID-19 Vaccine Registration
Need vaccine? Learn how to get your shot at or call 1-877-VAX-IN VA. Language translation and TTY services available.
¿Necesita vacunarse? Infórmese de cómo obtener su vacuna visitando o llamando 1-877-829-4682. Servicios de traducción y teléfonos de texto (TTY) están disponibles.
Visiting the Capitol
Whether you need maps, directions, hours, virtual tours, educational materials or other information about the Virginia Capitol, Capitol Square and the General Assembly, check out this page first for helpful guidance about the state's main government complex.
400th Anniversary

The Virginia Capitol Police has had a long journey since its founding in 1618 as a force to protect the governor. Check out our first 400 years and our road to becoming a modern, progressive law enforcement agency, and look at Virginia's path to its 400th anniversary in 2019.
Virginia State Capitol Alert Network (VSCAN)
When an incident or emergency occurs, authorized senders can notify you using VSCAN. This is your personal connection to updates, instructions on where to go, what to do, or what not to do, who to contact and other information. You can be notified via multiple contact methods such as email accounts (home, work, etc), cell phone, pager or hand-held device (smart phone).
Employee Recognition
The Division of Capitol Police established a program in 2009 to recognize employees for distinguished and extraordinary acts or outstanding performance of duty. Depending on criteria ranging from exceptional actions to persistent daily efforts, employees can be nominated for monthly honors, yearly awards and special commendations. For a full list of the latest honorees, click on the link below.
Join the Division of Capitol Police
The decision to become a member of the Division of Capitol Police is the decision to become a part of an unparalleled history of success, service and honor in policing. The division offers unique and rewarding career opportunities to individuals willing to contribute their talents and strive for professional excellence.
Commend an Officer
Each year, Division of Capitol Police officers serve thousands of state employees and members of the general public. In some cases, individuals may wish to acknowledge the employees involved.
Contact the Division
EMERGENCY: (804) 786-HELP (4357)
Non-Emergency: (804) 786-2568
Fax: (804) 786-0451
Mailing Address:
Division of Capitol Police
P.O. Box 1138
Richmond, VA 23218
File a Complaint
We take people's concerns seriously and believe the public is entitled to efficient, fair and impartial service. If you have a complaint, you may report it to us in person, by letter, by telephone or by using our online form.